The jalsa of Mustafa Kamal in Baagh e Jinnah, Karachi was quite enough for a newly made political party Pak Sar Zameen Party (PSP). MK’s speech was overall good one and full of optimism, suggestions and empowerment of nation from grass root level. He didn’t disgraced or taunted anyone in his speech. In fact, the suggestions and solutions he gave to the government are highly appreciable because there are several rural areas where we didn’t observe the government writ due to the implication of Wadera system. The powers of government should be distributed to the basic Union council level to empower the nation and the justice should reach to every citizen and they should be present in 2km radius of its rural citizens through which administrative mess should solve. Mustafa Kamal’s speech was full of enthusiasm and height of optimism shown from one of his sentences in which he said; if you don’t vote for me, we will hug and say that we may have differences but we are not enemies. Through Kamal’s yesterday speech a clear message of brotherhood, respect, peace and harmony was conveyed.
It was a successful jalsa, whereas just after 52 days of his comeback to Pakistan and launch of PSP, he gathered thousands of karachiites along with his party leaders in Baagh –e- Jinnah, It’s highly commendable. The People who are taunting him due to limited amount of party workers and other folks, should appreciate him or if they can’t so don’t discourage anyone. However, it’s just a kick start of his new political party. Instead of creating opportunities for youngsters to come in front line and solve the chaos of rural and urban areas, political parties are blaming him for creating his separate party.
Everyone have right to make his identity and party, the thing which we have to concentrate is the message he is delivering to the nation regardless of ethnicity or any political differences. Karachiites should accept his newly made party and should help him in his mission to empower the nation and work for betterment of Pakistan.
The inhabitants of Karachi witnessed the efforts of Mustafa Kamal, when he used to be the Mayor of Karachi- he worked for ease of traffic, improved public sectors, environment friendly efforts etc. and was rewarded as The World’s 2nd Best Mayor 2005-2010. It’s an important time for Karachiites to observe the difference in condition of Karachi at the time when Kamal was Mayor of Karachi and the current situation. Nonetheless, it’s in hand of karachiites, if they want to get benefited with a new and better option or not. I am counting on karachiites and hopefully they will make a wise decision with voting a better future of Pakistan especially Karachi.
Successful and Optimistic Rally of Mustafa Kamal

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