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Tag: WHO

World agencies team up to tackle emerging health threats

GENEVA: The world organisations for mortal and beast health, food and the

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Monkeypox cases top 70,000: WHO

Case numbers in the worldwide monkeypox flare-up have now bested 70,000, the

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How Floods Exposed Us All!

This year, the monsoon season began in Pakistan in mid-June. Nearly the

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Bank to provide $2.5 billion to flood-ravaged Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: The Asian Advancement Bank on Wednesday declared it would give $2.5

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WHO agrees on additional support to Sindh, Balochistan for health services

SUKKUR: WHO chief for wellbeing crises program Dr Mike Ryan Wednesday promised

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End of Covid pandemic in sight: WHO

GENEVA: The quantity of recently revealed Coronavirus cases has dropped decisively, the

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47,000 pregnant women live in Sindh’s relief camps

KARACHI: Sindh Health Minister Dr Azra Pechuho on Sunday said that right

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Flood situation highly likely to boost disease spread as Pakistan battles health threats: WHO

The ebb and flow flood circumstance will almost certain increment the spread

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India confirms Asia’s first monkeypox death

India affirmed its first monkeypox passing on Monday, a young fellow in

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Pakistan sees slight decline in COVID-19 positivity ratio

Pakistan revealed a slight decrease in its Covid energy proportion while someone

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