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Tag: Somalia

Somali pirates “air-dropped” a ransom, freeing the ship and crew.

CHITTAGONG: After receiving sackloads of US dollars by air as ransom, Somali

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Nine killed in Somalia suicide bombing

MOGADISHU: Nine individuals including a senior neighborhood government official were killed on

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Somalia invites Pakistani businessmen to initiate joint ventures

LAHORE: Embassy of Somalia Deputy Commercial Attaché Abdifitah Abdul Kadir Osman has invited

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Cholera spreading in Somalia, 50,000 cases foreseen: WHO

GENEVA: More than 25,000 people in famine-threatened Somalia have been struck by

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Somalia’s army rescues 8 Indian crew held hostage by pirates

An official says Somalia's military has rescued 8 Indian crew members who

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Stepping Over the Dead on a Migrant Boat

What a photographer saw when a rescuevessel went into action off the

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US special forces kill 10 extremists in Somalia

MOGADISHU: Hoping to capture a high-profile target, US special forces hopped off

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‘More than 150’ Shebab fighters killed in US drone strike in Somalia: Pentagon

WASHINGTON: A US drone strike on a Shebab training camp in Somalia

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Al Shabaab gunmen kill 14 in night attack on Kenyan workers

Al Shabaab gunmen killed 14 people, mostly quarry workers, in an overnight

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Al-Shabaab pledge allegiance to new leader

Militants of the Somali Islamist group al-Shabaab have pledged allegiance to their

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