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Tag: Poverty

Baba Ahmed’s Vote

Today I am sharing a genuine story close to my heart. It

Tamveel Mujahid Tamveel Mujahid

More than half of world’s children threatened by war, poverty, discrimination: study

More than half of the world's children are threatened by conflict, poverty

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Pakistan expresses firm commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals at UN

NEW YORK: Pakistan expressed its firm commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development

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180m children likely to live in extreme poverty: Unicef

NEW YORK: Around 180 million children are more likely to live in

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غریبِ شہر تر ستا ہے اِک نوالے کو

تپتی دھوپ، بھوک کی شدت،گردو نواح میں طلباء و طالبات کا ہجو

Tamveel Mujahid Tamveel Mujahid

Poverty forces child soldiers into endlessly replenishing Afghan Taliban ranks

KABUL: The rescue, this summer, of dozens of Afghan youths destined to be

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Monthly inflation recorded at 3.41 percent in August

KARACHI: Consumer price inflation clocked in at 3.41 percent year-on-year in August

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CPEC creating opportunities for sustained growth by alleviating poverty: minister

DALIAN: Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal has said that China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

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“Fruit Denounce? It is Fruitful.”

For last few days as a citizen of Pak we are observing

Syeda Sana Zehra Syeda Sana Zehra

10% ct of world military spending could eliminate poverty: think tank

STOCKHOLM, April 5 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - World military spending rose 1

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