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Tag: phone

Mobile Taxes are Not Coming Back Till Next Order: Chief Justice

Chief Justice of Pakistan, Mian Saqib Nisar, today remarked that an impression

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Mobile phone companies to provide customers with 100% credit on all mobile cards

ISLAMABAD: Cellular services providers will be providing customers with 100 per cent

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Saudi law punishes snooping through spouse’s phone with jail

DUBAI: Spying on your spouse’s phone in Saudi Arabia now carries a

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Samsung likely to unveil foldable phone this year

Samsung is set to release a foldable handset later this year, according

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Your Jeans Could Someday charge Your Phone

Soon you may never have to fret about your smartphone running out

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Phone app can identify behaviors linked to depression, study shows

Mobile phones may be able to identify whether an individual is likely

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Easiest way to break pattern lock in phone

People often use pattern lock to save their precious data. Ironically, they

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