Eidul Azha is being celebrated across the globe on the second day (Sunday) with plans to visit relatives and recreational sites.

Many people are also sacrificing animals today — a ritual that stems from the story of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS), commanded by Allah to slaughter his beloved son Hazrat Ismail (AS).

People have planned to join friends and relatives for feasts whereas children are in a mood to visit parks and other entertaining places.

The celebrations and sacrifices will go on till day three of Eid.

On Saturday, Eid congregations were held at mosques, Eidgahs and open places in all cities, towns and villages across the country. The day dawned with special prayers in mosques for well-being of Muslim Ummah and safety and security of the country.

Strict security arrangements were in place across the country to avoid any untoward incident. The local authorities have also made special arrangements for disposal of offal and other solid waste during three days of Eid.

In Islamabad, the main Eid congregation was held at Faisal Mosque where Federal Ministers, politicians and parliamentarians, present in Islamabad, Muslim diplomats and notables joined thousands of faithful in prayers.


Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated at the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage and marks Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his own son to God. Traditionally marked by the slaughter of animals, whose meat is shared with family members and the poor, it is also known as the Feast of Sacrifice.


Hazrat Ibrahim’s submission to God’s command to sacrifice his own son was so dear that the act of sacrifice was mandated on all Muslims performing Hajj. Just when Ibrahim was about to sacrifice his son, God ordered to kill an animal instead. This tradition is being followed even today to keep the spirit of sacrifice alive.