Pakistan Army team has won Intl. Pace Sticking Competition 2018 held at RMA Sandhurst, UK on 14 June 2018. A pace sticking team consists of total of 4 individuals out of which one is the driver and three are the pace stickers.
PMA team’s participation in Intl Pace Sticking Competition. Total of 18 teams participated in the competition. 10 teams from UK, 4 teams from Bahrain, 2 teams from Oman, a team each from Pakistan and Jordan.
There were also seven from the British Army including 1st Battalion Welsh Guards, Army Training Centre Pirbright, Honourable Artillery Company, 1st Battalion Scots Guards and RMAS to name a few.

The competition took place on the parade square in front of the steps of Old College. Each of the teams consisted of four members, one Driver who delivers the words of command and three team members.
Over the course of the competition, the teams marched in slow and quick time whilst alternating turning the stick with the left or right hand.
The objective of the pace stick drill is to provide uniformity in the use of a stick and a high standard of steadiness and cohesion amongst the instructors.

There’s a lot to look out for which can trip you up, when you’re pace sticking as Lance Sergeant Anthony Jordan, 1st Battalion Irish Guards, explained: “The wind – the wind is blowing quite strong today. It’s summertime – you get sweaty hands, clammy hands, the stick’s slipping all over the place.