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Tag: UN

Saudi gives U.N. $100m to help combat terrorism

  Saudi Arabia on Wednesday donated $100 million to the United Nations

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UN slams Sri Lanka for deportation of Pakistani, Afghan asylum seekers

Sri Lanka has arrested 214 Pakistani and Afghan asylum seekers since June

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UN ‘may include’ Isis on Syrian war crimes list

Fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) may

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Bangladesh wins sea border dispute with India

A UN tribunal has awarded Bangladesh nearly four-fifths of an area sprawling

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India asks UN team on Kashmir to leave Delhi

NEW DELHI: India has asked a United Nations military observer group on Kashmir

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U.N. experts trace Israel’s seized arms to Iran

A U.N. expert panel has concluded that a shipment of rockets and

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Global refugee numbers highest since WWII: UN

GENEVA: The number of people driven from their homes by conflict and crisis

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Pakistani general appointed as UN force commander in Ivory Coast: UNSG

Pakistan’s Major General Hafiz Masroor Ahmed has been appointed as Force Commander

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Sudan expels UN agency chief accused of ‘interference’

KHARTOUM: Sudan has expelled the country chief of a United Nations agency

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Kidnapped Iranian border guards not in Pakistan: FO

TEHRAN: The Iranian border guards were not in Pakistan, stated Foreign Officer spokesperson

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