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130,000 tons of solid garbage were eliminated in Lahore

LAHORE: Following a month-long "Suthra Punjab campaign" ordered by the chief minister,

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Hearing on SNGPL’s request for a “147pc” tariff hike today

LAHORE: A public hearing on a plea filed by Sui Northern Gas

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Sui gas prices should increase by 74%, according to OGRA

The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) is attempting to drop a

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PSO’s liquidity crisis puts Pakistan’s LNG supply in winter at risk

ISLAMABAD: State-claimed Pakistan State Oil's (PSO) liquidity emergency has plunged to an

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Rs30bn taxes to be imposed to save PSO from default

ISLAMABAD: The public authority has chosen to force extra duties to the

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ECC okays Rs303bn for PM’s relief package

ISLAMABAD: The government on Monday approved Rs303 billion worth of a supplementary

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Govt entities told to develop new LNG terminal

ISLAMABAD: In a significant approach move, the public authority has asked the

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Gas area round obligation crosses Rs532bn

The circular debt within the gas sector has grown to quite Rs532 billion because the twin Sui companies

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Gas supply to remains shut in some parts of Lahore on Dec 28

LAHORE: Gas supply to parts of the city will remain shut on

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Industries will not face gas load-shedding for many years: SNGPL

FAISALABAD: Gas supply to industries has remained uninterrupted since February 2016 following import

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