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Tag: Gaza genocide

Israel attacks the UN relief facility in Rafah

GAZA STRIP: The UN agency for Palestinian refugees reported that one of

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The US may decide to stop supporting the UN humanitarian organization permanently

Washington: Due to resistance in Congress, US officials are getting ready to

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Heads of state demand that weapons be silenced in Gaza as Ramadan gets underway

UNITED NATIONS: As Ramadan approaches, world leaders have come together to acknowledge

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Ramadan truce hopes for Gaza were all but shattered

GAZA STRIP: On the eve of the holy month of Ramadan, deadly

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UN rights head calls the expansion of Israeli settlements a war crime

GENEVA: The UN rights head issued a warning on Friday, calling the

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The monotony of ceasefire talks in Gaza

CAIRO: In an effort to end hostilities in the Gaza Strip in

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Israel “to permit” pilgrims to enter Al Aqsa as it did in “prior years”

JERUSALEM: The prime minister's office announced on Tuesday that Israel will permit

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UN rights head warns that the Gaza conflict could lead to a bigger war.

GENEVA: Volker Turk, the UN's high commissioner for human rights, described the

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Israel “avoids” the truce negotiations in Cairo

GAZA STRIP: Egypt welcomed envoys on Sunday to discuss a cease-fire between

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“Uncommitted” votes reveal Biden’s impact from Gaza

DEARBORN: Following a far larger-than-expected protest vote in the Michigan primary over

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