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Tag: Freedom Fighters

12 Kashmir freedom fighters killed in last 72 hours

A 14-year-old boy who recently joined militant ranks was killed along with


Five freedom fighters, one Indian soldier killed in gun battle in held Indian Occupied Kashmir

Five suspected militants and an Indian air force commando were killed during


فریڈم فائٹر۔۔۔ کشمیر اور برہان وانی

1928ء کو ارجنٹینا میں پیدا ہوا۔ اس کے دل میں طب کی

Alina Irshad Alina Irshad

‘They are fighting our battle’: In angry North Kashmir, the return of the forigen freedom fighters

In Baramulla district, the cradle of separatism in the Valley, the mehmani


مسئلہ کشمیر کے فریق اور ہمارے میڈیا کی ذمہ داریاں

آج مقبوضہ کشمیر میں مسلسل کرفیو کو 99  دن ہو گئے ہیں.

Salman Ali Ibraheem Salman Ali Ibraheem

Uri Attack! Yet again India blames Pakistan

On the 72nd day of curfew, the occupied valley of Kashmir witnessed


Special Report: Mujahideen seen Unfurling Pak Flag on Pakistan Independence Day in Kashmir

Srinagar:  A video has surfaced wherein four gun-brandishing Mujahideen donning black and green

Khalid Jameel Khalid Jameel

Kargil War – Pakistan’s Military Victory

After 1971, Pakistan had another official war with India in 1999 –

Syeda Sana Zehra Syeda Sana Zehra

A Leaf from history: Neela Butt & the Kashmiri freedom struggle

Viewing Azad Kashmir as the base camp of the freedom movement of

Hasnat Sheikh Hasnat Sheikh

23 Freedom fighters Martyred in 3 Months

SRINAGAR Police and forces succeeded in killing 23 militants during three winter
