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Tag: Chaghi

Pakistan nukes stand only for self-defence: FO

ISLAMABAD: While marking the 20th anniversary of the nuclear tests conducted in

NewsDesk NewsDesk

یومِ تکبیر۔۔۔۔ اور ہماری بقاء

وَ اَعَدُّوا لَہُم مَّا استَطَعتُم مِن قُوَّۃِِ وَّ مِن رَّبَاطِ الخَیلِ تُرھِبُونَ

Alina Irshad Alina Irshad

“Youm -e- Takbeer”: The day when Pakistan raised as an invincible power

The nation marks Youm -e- Takbeer on 28th May to commemorate the

Syeda Sana Zehra Syeda Sana Zehra