The animal rights activist has urged the French government to intervene to prevent “barbarism” and work towards “appeasement” asking instead that followers of Islam make sacrifices by giving to the poor.
In France the government has been providing skips because many followers discard their carcasses to rot in the streets after they have killed them.
While it is illegal to slaughter an animal publicly it is allowed for Muslims to go to a slaughterhouse and carry out the act for religious reasons.
However, those breaking the law and killing animals outside of mandated areas became such a problem environmental health departments had to step in to provide bins because sheep carcasses were causing a public health problem.
Temporary slaughter houses have been set up all over France
Thousands of Muslims order sheep and then go to their local abattoirs to kill them to celebrate the feast of the slaughter, while others still carry out the acts in the street.
However, Ms Bardot, 81, has called for practising Muslims to avoid making religious sacrifices in public particularly after terror attacks in Nice and Paris.
She said: “In this terrible period where barbarism is trying to impose on destroying everything in its path, where the blood of innocents’ flows, plunging France into mourning, sadness and anger, it is urgent to work towards appeasement not to provoke rejection and failure.
“In a month the Muslim community will celebrate the sacrifice of Ibrahim, you know how the Eid al-Adha is a nightmare for those who defend animals, a horror.
Muslim men go to pick the sheep they want to slaughter
“Today I speak to you because in those dark times we need peace, not a ritual sacrifice where thousands of sheep will be cut the throat conscientiously and in suffering.
“I throw this call for you alone can convey a message of respect, dignity and generosity.
“I beg you to call the Muslim community not to shed blood, to replace the sacrifice of an animal by an offering to the poorest.”
It is recommended under law that they use stun guns to maim the sheep beforehand but not mandatory.
However, in recent years the practice has drawn criticism from animal rights campaigners and others who fear children could be traumatised by watching the animals being slaughtered.
The French government has instructed all Muslims they will be punished if they slaughter outside an approved abattoir.
Choosing a sheep is a traditional Muslim Eid event
But such was the practice of illegal slaughter that some municipalities were forced to provide skips.
This weekend the city of Tourcoing announced for the first time it was withdrawing skips for those who wanted to discard their sheep carcasses after they killed them.
Tourcoing mayor Gérard Darmani said: “The positioning of bins is illegal and contrary to public health. slaughtering must be in approved slaughterhouses and it is for the State to organise them.
“I explained that this year I would ban the skips on the highway and it is done.”
Muslims have called for “temporary slaughterhouses” so they can carry out their sacrifices so they are not “branded” for carrying out the slaughter.
Brigitte Bardot has called for Muslims to donate money to the poor instead of killing sheep
Authorities have reiterated that “slaughter outside a slaughterhouse Chartered is an offence punishable 15,000 euro fine and 6 months imprisonment” to those who seek to do it at home.
They also say they are on the look out for breaches of the rules of animal welfare during transport of live sheep and the distribution of illegal meats.
The annual Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha 2016 or ‘feast of the slaughter’ begins on Sunday, media from Saudi Arabia has claimed.
The Saudi Supreme court confirmed the date of the festival in a tweet.