Opinion: The Constitution of Pakistan; Nationhood and Islam
By Ayesha Akhter Ever since the advent of Muslims in the subcontinent through Bab ul Islam Sindh, around 1300 years ago, they have acquired their own separate outlook of…
Is Pakistan a Failed State?
Tariq A. Al-Maeena The country that was once referred to by Joe Biden during the 2008 US Presidential campaign as a dangerous state, Pakistan has been fighting back such undeserving…
Opinion: Did Jinnah Wrong Us In Making Pakistan?
PKKH Exclusive | By Aneela Shahzad Ayesha Jalal in her book The Sole Spokesman, first published in 1985, has presented a sharp scrutiny of the personality of the Quaid Muhammad…
Opinion: New Medium of Warfare: Cyber Space
PKKH Exclusive | by Ahmed Khan The 21st century highlights the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) and the improvements in the Art of War, forcing the nations to enter into…
Editorial: Obituary M M Alam
PKKH Editorial Pakistani pilots of 32 Wing Sargodha, after an investiture ceremony in which they received the Sitara-E-Juraat. (left to right) The aura of professional superiority surrounded his persona until…
Opinion: Evoking The Forgotten Resolution
By Dr. Aaminah Siddique Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and…
Editorial: Junagadh: Another Chapter of Indian Atrocities
PKKH Editorial Over 12 lakh Junagadhi Muslims, residing in Karachi area have awaken the conscience of the country on a wound that has been drooling for the past 65 years…
Gaza; The Bleeding Heart of Humanity
PKKH Exclusive By Aneela Shahzad The UNs Universal Declaration of Human Rights says: Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human…