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14275 Articles

Pakistan Cannot Win a War in My Lifetime: Manmohan Singh

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday said that there was no scope of Pakistan

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Kashmir Issue Can Trigger War, Says Sharif

MUZAFFARABAD, Dec 3: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif expressed his resolve here on

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Pakistan, Afghanistan Agree on ‘Border Commission’

ISLAMABAD - In a significant development Islamabad and Kabul have agreed in

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British Envoy Makes First Iran Visit After Two Years

LONDON : Britain’s new envoy to Tehran visited Iran on Tuesday, becoming

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Britain to Tackle ‘Islamist Extremism’ After Soldier’s Murder

Britain plans to classify "Islamist extremism" as a distinct ideology, British Prime

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NATO Warns Karzai to Sign Troop Accord or Risk Pullout

NATO pushed Afghanistan to agree to a scaled-back international troop presence after

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Ulema of Different Sects Devise Code For Harmony

LAHORE, Dec 2: Ulema of different schools of thought have unanimously agreed

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‘Cyber-Hindus’ – India’s New Breed of Political Activists

Four men chatting in a Delhi bar are not, by their own

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Nauroz Baloch: Shaheed or Missing

[Heavily under life threats/ attacks of #BLA from past two weeks. I

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Karzai Accuses U.S. of Cutting Afghan Military Supplies in Security Row

Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his national security council have accused the

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