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Mehwish Zia

7 Articles

Freedom of Speech ’OR‘ Clash of Civilizations

  Looks like years have passed, but humans have learnt nothing from

Mehwish Zia Mehwish Zia

Chanakya’s Ideology: The Root Cause of Problem

    The incident of 9/11 brought the attention of the whole

Mehwish Zia Mehwish Zia

In Memory of East Pakistan:

  United in the name of religion, the Muslims of subcontinent wanted

Mehwish Zia Mehwish Zia

The Hypocrisy of the Indian Government and Global Silence

Here is one of the several questionable incidents, which shows how India

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The Pros Of Operation Zarb-e-Azb

    Right after the attack of 9/11, the United States and

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Let the Kashmiri Women Live

Let’s stand in their shoes. How does it feel to stay away

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Global Injustice

  27th October 1947, is commemorated as ‘Black Day’ in the history

Mehwish Zia Mehwish Zia