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Fahad Malik

7 Articles

Hersh’s Conspiracy or a Bed Time story?

Before writing anything further, let me warn you ladies and gentlemen, gear

Fahad Malik

!اے راہِ حق کے شہیدو

  اے راہِ حق کے شہیدو! عظیم ماں ! تجھے صد مبارک!

Fahad Malik

The Evil School of Thought!

  The start of military operation Zarb-e-Azb in June 2014 in North

Fahad Malik

India’s violence across the border

  Pakistan Army has started a military operation against terrorists in North

Fahad Malik

Media Neglecting the Nation’s War on Terror

    ZarbEAzb is progressing successfully, in its fourth month now. Since

Fahad Malik

Allegations without Evidence!

  Pakistan Army is one of the non-political but yet most important

Fahad Malik

چلی ہے رسم کے کوئی نہ سر اٹھا کر چلے

اس ملک کا سب سے بڑا المیہ یہ ہے کہ یہاں انصاف

Fahad Malik