بڑا ملک چونکہ بہت بڑا ہے لہٰذا ایک ہی دفعہ میں اسے احاطہ تحریر میں لانا نا ممکن ہے۔ کچھ عرصہ پہلے تک “شائننگ” بھی تھا مگر اب ملمع اتر چکا ہے لہٰذا اب خالی بڑا ملک ہی رہ گیا ہے۔
بڑا ملک چونکہ بڑا ہے اور وہاں بہت سی اقلیتیں بھی ہیں اسی لیے بڑا ملک سیکولر کہلوانا پسند کرتا ہے، ۲۰۰۱ء کی مردم شماری کے مطابق بڑے ملک میں ۸۰۔۵ فیصد ہندو، ۱۳۔۴ فیصد مسلمان،۲۔۳ فیصد عیسائی،۱۔۹ فیصد سِکھ ۰۔۸ فیصد بدھ اور ۰۔۴ فیصد جین آباد ہیں۔ اب چونکہ بڑا ملک سیکولر ہے اور اس میں اتنی بہت ساری اقلیتیں ہیں سو بڑے ملک کا بڑی اقلیتوں مثلاً مسلم،سکھ اور عیسائیوں کے ساتھ یکساں سلوک ہے یہی وجہ ہے کہ سکھوں کے گولڈن ٹیمپل اور تخت اکال، مسلمانوں کی بابری مسجد اور عیسائیوں کے بہت سے چرچ تباہ کیے جا چکے ہیں تاکہ کوئی بھی تعصب کا الزام نہ لگا سکے۔
بڑے ملک کی سب سے بڑی اقلیت مسلمان ہیں جن پر ۱۹۴۷ کے بعد سے وقتاً فوقتاً حملے ہوتے رہے ہیں جن میں ۱۹۶۹ میں گجرات میں ۶۰۰ لوگ اپنی جان سے ہاتھ دھو بیٹھے جبکہ مرادآباد میں ۱۹۸۰ء میں سرکاری ذرائع کے مطابق ۴۰۰ جبکہ غیر سرکاری اعداد و شمار کے مطابق ۱۵۰۰ سے ۲۰۰۰ لوگ جاں بحق ہوئے جبکہ مقامی پولیس کو بھی اس تشدد میں ملوث قرار دیا جاتا ہے۔
جبکہ بھاگلپور میں ۱۹۸۹ میں ۱۰۰۰ لوگ جاں بحق ہوئے
۱۹۸۳ میں اسام موومنٹ کے نتیجے میں ہونے والے فسادات کو جنگِ عظیم دوئم کے بعد سب سے بڑا منظم قتلِ عام قرار دیا جاتا ہے جس میں ۷ سے ۸ ہزار لوگ مسلم کش فسادات کے نتیجے میں جاں بحق ہوئے جن میں اکثریت بچوں اور خواتین کی تھی۔
۱۹۹۲ کا سب سے بڑا سانحہ بابری مسجد کی شہادت کا تھا، جس پر ہندئووں کا مئوقف تھا کہ یہ رام کی جائے پیدائش کی جگہ پر تعمیر کردہ مسجد ہے۱۹۴۹ء میں حکومت نے مسجد کو متنازعہ قرار دے کر بند کر دیا تھا،۱۹۸۴ میں وشوا ہندو پریشد نے “رام”کی جائے پیدائش کو آزاد کرانے کا اعلان کیا اور اس تحریک کی قیادت ایل کے ایڈوانی نے سنبھالی،جبکہ ۱۹۹۰ میں مسجد کو جزوی طور پر نقصان پہنچایا گیا اور ۱۹۹۱ میں بی جے پی کی حکومت کے قیام کے بعد۶ دسمبر ۱۹۹۲ میں مسجد کو شہید کر دیا گیا، آرکیولوجیکل سروے آف انڈیا نے ۱۹۷۰،۱۹۹۲ اور ۲۰۰۳ میں متنازع جگہ کی کھدائی کی مگر مندر کی موجودگی کے جو شواہد پیش کیے گئے اسے مسلمانوں کی جانب سے مسترد کر دیا گیا۔ بی جے پی کے منشور میں عرصہ تک بابری مسجد کی جگہ رام مندر کی تعمیر کی شق شامل رہی بابری مسجد کی شہادت کے نتیجے میں ممبئی میں ہونے والے فسادات کو بھی “طے شدہ قتلِ عام” قرار دیا جاتا ہے جہاں ہندئووں کو مسلمانوں کے گھروں اورکاروبار کے مقامات کے متعلق معلومات فراہم کی گئیں،ان فسادات میں شیو سینا کو ملوث قرار دیا جاتا ہے۔
۲۰۰۲ء میں ممبئی میں ہونے والے فسادات اس وقت شروع ہوئے جب ایودھیا سے ہندو یاتریوں کو لانے والی ایک ٹرین کو نذرِ آتش کر دیا گیا، گو کہ فرینزک رپورٹ کے مطابق آتشزدگی کا منبع ٹرین کے اندر ہی موجود تھا مگر اس کا الزام مسلم اقلیت پر لگایا گیا۔ ان فسادات میں خواتین کی بے حرمتی اور انہیں زندہ جلانے کے واقعات بھی ہوئے جن کی حکومت کی طرف سے مذمت کی گئی، غیر سرکاری اعدادو شمار کے مطابق ۲۰۰۰ مسلمان جاں بحق ہوئے۔ ان فسادات میں نریندر مودی اور پولیس کو برابر کا شریک قرار دیا جاتا ہے جنہوں نے ہندو بلوائیوں کونہ صرف مسلمانوں کی املاک کے بارے میں تمام معلومات فراہم کیں بلکہ انہیں تحفظ بھی فراہم کیا۔ ہیومن رائٹس واچ کے مطابق ممبئی کا قتلِ عام پہلے سے طے شدہ تھا جس میں پولیس اور ریاستی حکومت بھی شریک رہی، جبکہ مقامی دلت آبادی نے مسلمانوں کو تحفظ فراہم کرنے کی کوشش کی۔ ۲۰۱۲ میں مودی صاحب کو سپریم کورٹ کی طرف سے کلین چٹ دے دی گئی۔
بڑے ملک کی دوسری بڑی اقلیت عیسائی ہیں۔ عیسائیوں کے خلاف ۱۹۶۴ سے ۱۹۹۶ تک ۳۸پر تشدد واقعات ہوئے، ۱۹۹۷ میں ۲۴، جبکہ ۱۹۹۸ میں ۹۰ پر تشدد واقعات ہوئے۔
۲۰۰۸ میں بجرنگ دل نے عیسائیوں کی ۱۴ عبادت گاہوں کو نقصان پہنچایا، ان فسادات میں بی جے پی کی حکومت کو بھی ملوث قرار دیا جاتاہے، اوڑیسہ میں ۲۰۰۸ میں ہونے والے فسادات کے نتیجے میں ۴۴۰۰ گھر جلائے گئے اور ۵۰۰۰۰ لوگ بے گھر ہوئے، جبکہ گجرات میں ۱۹۹۷ میں ۲۲ چرچ نذرِآتش کیے گئے جبکہ ۱۶ کو نقصان پہنچایا گیا۔
بڑے مُلک کی تیسری بڑی اقلیت سِکھ ہیں جن کے خلاف سب سے بڑے منظم فسادات ۱۹۸۴ میں اس وقت شروع ہوئے جب اس وقت کی وزیرِاعظم اندرا گاندھی کو ان کے ۲ سِکھ محافظوں نے قتل کر دیا۔ اندرا گاندھی صاحبہ کے خلاف یہ انتقامی کارروائی وہ بھی ان کے اپنے محافظوں کے ہاتھوں اس لئے ہوئی کیونکہ انہوں نے ۱۹۸۴ میں خالصتان تحریک کو دبانے کی خاطر آپریشن بلیو سٹار کا حکم دیا تھا جس میں گولڈن ٹیمپل اور اکال تخت پر فوج کشی کی گئی تاکہ وہاں چھپے ہوئے عسکریت پسند اور مہلک ہتھیار دونوں تلف کیے جا سکیں اور علیحدگی پسندوں کے رہنما جرنیل سنگھ بھنڈراوالے کو بھی سبق سکھایا جا سکے۔ اس آپریشن میں {سکھوں کے مطابق} تقریباً ایک لاکھ فوج پنجاب کے مختلف حصوں میں تعینات کی گئی۔ اور آپریشن میں ۱۶۰۰ کے قریب یاتری،بچے اور عورتیں ہلاک ہوئے جبکہ فوج کے ۳۰۰۰ سپاہی مارے گئے جبکہ اس سے دوگنا زخمی ہوئے،اس کے ساتھ ہی آرمی نے ۳۰ مزید گوردواروں پر حملہ کیا،اسی آپریشن کے جواب میں اندرا گاندھی کو اپنی جان سے ہاتھ دھونا پڑے جس کے جواب میں سکھوں کے خلاف تشدد کی نئی لہر برپا ہو گئی جس میں دہلی اور آس پاس کی سِکھ آبادی سب سے زیادہ متاثر ہوئی،اخبارات اور انسانی حقوق کی تنظیموں نے ان فسادات کو پہلے سے طے شدہ قرار دیا، جہاں ووٹر لسٹوں اور راشن لسٹوں کی مدد سے سکھوں کے گھروں اور کاروباری مقامات کی نشاندہی کی گئی،چلتی بسوں اور ٹرینوں میں سوار سِکھوں کو اتار کر قتل کیا گیا۔دہلی میں کرفیو اور فوج کی موجودگی میں بھی پر تشدد واقعات ہوتے رہے،حکومتی رپورٹ کے مطابق ۲۷۰۰ لوگ ہلاک ہوئے، ۲۰۰۰۰ نے شہر چھوڑ کر کہیں اور پناہ لی جبکہ کم از کم ۱۰۰۰ لوگ لا پتہ ہوئے،ہیومن رائٹس واچ کے مطابق ۲۰۱۱ میں ہریانہ میں اجتماعی قبریں دریافت ہوئیں جو کہ انہی فسادات میں ہلاک ہونے والوں کی بتائی جاتی ہیں۔
ان فسادات اور ہلاکتوں کی کوئی توجیہہ شاید “امن کی آشا” والے بتا سکیں،لیکن اگر آپ واہگہ کی “لکیر” کے خلاف نہیں ہیں تو شکر ادا کیجیے کہ اس لکیر کے اِس پار عزت سے زندگی گزا رہے ہیں، اور اگر آپ “امن کی آشا” والے ہیں اور اس “لکیر” کے حق میں نہیں جو ۱۹۴۷ میں کھینچی گئی تھی تو ایک بار سوچیے۔
The article reinforces my belief that Pakistani nationalism is based on only one factor and that is “hate india”. Nothing else binds Pakistan not even Islam. If India has anti muslim riots, i would blame it on Jinnah who thought of well being of only 2/3rd of the muslims of the subcontinent at the detriment of the 1/3rd. But muslims are happy that they stuck to their motherland and did not migrate to Pakistan.
As an Indian I dont understand what Mohtarma Alina Irshad is trying to prove? Is it that dont talk of violence in Pakistan as India had bigger violences? Nowhere else in Asia or in the world, minorities are so powerful as in India. The de facto power center is Sonia Gandhi who is a christian, the Prime Minister is a sikh, Foreign Minister is a muslim, Home Minister is a Dalit, Defence Minister is Christian, Army General is Sikh, and till last month Air Chief marshall was a christian all minorities and all at the same time. Can Pakistan or any other country ever think of having its Prime, defence, home and foreign ministers and army & airforce chiefs from minorities? Let me answer that NEVER. If your nationalistic feelings are evoked by “HATRED” and your feel good factors are benchmarked against another nation then i think there is something drastic and fundamentally wrong with your nation.
As an Indian you should also check your facts before mouthing off on Pakistani sites. If the article has reinforced your “beliefs” (euphemism for “prejudices”), then your beliefs are in need of revision. The article is essentially a list of actions carried out by Hindu nationalists within India against its Muslim, Christian and Sikh minorities, in instances where the state has not acted to prevent these actions. That these actions have occurred is beyond dispute and you would have to be a history denier to deny any of them.
How exactly does that translate in your Indian mind into “hate India” being the only thing that binds Pakistan? Not only have you misinterpreted the gist of the article, but then you go on to taunt Pakistan with the straw man argument that since in India various government positions are held by minorities and (in your opinion) that can NEVER happen in Pakistan (not true, there have been PMs from the Ahmadi and Shia minorities, Christian MPs / army personnel, etc.), therefore Pakistan is based on “HATRED” and (here comes the punchline) “there is something drastic and fundamentally wrong with” it.
All of this is a great example of acting as judge, jury and executioner in defense of your own personal prejudices. Not to mention the inherent logical fallacy in your rant: you start off with the proposition that Pakistan is united in HATE, and you conclude that HATE is evoked by “nationalistic feelings”. When your proposition equals your conclusion, that’s called circular reasoning, and is a known logical fallacy. You’ve gone around in circles and not proved anything at all.
It isn’t Pakistan that is united in hate against India. But the tone and content of the overwhelming majority of Indians commenting on Pakistani websites non-stop certainly demonstrates to a neutral observer that various members of the Indian citizenry are surely united in hate against Pakistan.
I actually have no business to visit Pakistani websites but web is a global thing and i have always considered Pakistanis as my brothers separated at birth and hence I keep visiting your sites uninvited. But I see that the articles and comments keep appearing about India for no reasons like this one “Bada Mulk aur Aqleeyaten” and many others. It gives an impression that you are not able to come out of Indian shadow and cant do without taking the name of India. All such articles and comments have anti-india undertone so being an indian i am bound to react the way i feel and you will find all indians would react the same way. There are issues in India and there are communal violence but Indian society in general is secular and tolerant. A few black sheeps are always there in all communities but no one endorses them. Narendra Modi belongs to RSS/BJP and muslims dont like him but the best part is that more hindus dissapprove of him and his party.
I know that Jinnah, Bhuttos and Zardari are shias but i am not aware of any Ahmedi being the prime minister of Pakistan and all the positions that Ahmedis held were preior to 1974 when they were declared kafirs. In India, minorities are not only given equal rights but in some areas they are privileged over the majority and the best thing is that they occupy top positions and no one even talks about it. I will be happy if Pakistan spends more time talking other things than just India and Islam. Rest its your country and you guys know best. Thanks.
Nobody said that you cannot visit this or other Pakistani sites. The fact of the matter is that Pakistan-oriented sites are overwhelmingly visited by Indians who, it appears, have little better to do in life than to post hateful comments. Their strategies include things like using Muslim names to make comments – you yourself are an example of this (why? do you have an issue with identifying yourself as an Indian Hindu?). That is called abusing one’s welcome. Had PKKH not used a comments moderation policy, the chances are that this site too would have been filled by Indian hatemongers.
PKKH posted this article to point out that Hindu nationalists are active in suppressing non-Hindu minorities in India, and the state has repeatedly failed to prevent this from happening; in fact, the outside world as a whole has also been remarkably silent about it. The majority of the victims of these crimes are Muslims. Pakistan was formed as a homeland for Muslims, so it matters to Pakistan that fellow Muslims are being mistreated in the world, be that in India or elsewhere. If you have a problem with that, the solution is simple – consider talking to your own Government to prevent the atrocities against Muslims, and PKKH and others are unlikely to have reason to write about atrocities within India. If you, furthermore, have an issue with PKKH talking about Islam, then tough – deal with it. You will not succeed in removing Islam from Pakistan, and I dare you to prove otherwise.
FYI, Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, former PM of Pakistan, was an Ahmadi.
Thankyou Mr. Equalizer for accepting me on your websites. The fact is that indians do visit your sites with affinity and nostalgia but when we get to read venomous stuffs, we get disoriented. I disagree with you that non muslim indians use muslim ids to spread hate messages. I have seen hindus commenting and making it very obvious. I cant help about what you feel about me.
Communalism is a menace in indian society and i personally attribute it to Jinnah and his 2 nation theory. He should either have gone for complete division of nation wherein all muslims would settle in pakistan and all hindus in india. Why did he leave 1/3rd muslims of this continent? what was his plan for such muslims? What if india too declared itself a hindu nation and gave muslims as much right as hindus are given in pakistan? All this when i think, it makes me feel that i live in a better nation where i have got all the rights. As regards to communal violence, its a shame on indian society but its more criminal in nature. When humanity is suppressed people leave country and take refuge in other country. Have you ever heard any minority has left India and taken refuge in Pakistan or elsewhere? Not even after Gujarat riots or Muradabad or Bhagalpur riots. Rather Hindus have left kashmir valley. As we are a democratic country, we will always have some religious bigots in all religions. Other than anti sikh riots post indira gandhi’s assasination and gujarat riots after godhara train episode it was always a clash between two communities and in such riots more hindus were killed than the muslims. But its not hindus and muslims but its humans that were killed.
Pakistan tries to be the champion of muslims but we know you do it only in your interest. You wont speak a word against Uyghur muslims of china because china is your strategic partner. I have no issues PKKH or anyone writing about Islam but too much it suffocates me. I am a muslim and would like Islam to flourish and spread but not the Islam that taliban is spreading. Islam is in my heart but i know i wont be able to survive in any arab nations or for that matter even Pakistan. Islam is my love, could be my passion but never an obsession.
AND i doubt Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali is an Ahmadi. He is a Baloch, perhaps you are confusing with Mohammad Zafarullah Khan who was Foreign Minister of Pakistan after independence. Anyways, you could be right and thanks for telling me about him.
Last but not the least, i will be happy to comment and discuss on the issues that are critical to both the nations like corruption, terrorism, development, art and culture and avoid getting into unpleasant things like politics of India and Pakistan.
And 90% of disenfranchised are Muslims with worst economic outlook of a minority in the whole world. A few puppets and self haters that ingratiate themselves to bania does not make your society egalitarian, nor does it make it tolerant. Get your head out of your xxx and demand your rights as does Akhbaruddin Owaisi. Instead of spewing venom at Quaid-e-Azam talk about Gandhi the homosexual pedophile. Oh, one last thing change your name from a venerable Muslim one to one that is more befitting a hindu lacky.
I thought I wont comment here anymore but you compelled me to. First of all, no one in the world can force me to change my name and my religion. India has more muslim citizens than the whole of Pakistan. I am a born Indian and will remain loyal to my country till my death.
I dont know about disenfranchised in the world but I know in India, 90% of the time the govts have been formed whom the muslims have voted. Talking about Bania, you know its a trading community in hindus and please understand that arabs have been known as traders as well apart from being martial. Indian society is still not egalitarian de facto but de jure it is and times have changed since 1947 and changing at fast pace. I would say that even Islamic republics of Pakistan and Bangladesh have failed to bring an egalitarian society, india is still multy ethnic, multy lingual and multy religious society.
Now, who is this Akbaruddin Owaisi? Some Talibani? I dont know him and I only listen to my conscinece. I have been brought up in a democratic society and I have learnt to speak up against what i disagree and of course with decency.Any use of foul language will only reflect my upbringing and will bring bad name to my parents. So plese dont expect me that i will use the same language as you do. I would rather walk out.
Regarding your Quaid-e-azam, i have a big grouse against him for he only thought of himself and used a section of muslims for his political ambition. He caused partition of India. if we were united, we would have been nation with 1.6 billion population with 0.6 billion muslims. But beccause of him Indian muslims reduced to a minority in their own nation. What was the outcome? communal hatred…. how are pakistan and Bangladesh doing? economically worse than India and infested with terrorism and sectorial violence…. Indian muslims hold Jinnah responsible for their miseries, if any.
Last but not the least, we are proud of our Bollywood and the three Khans each supporting different parties like Shahrukh supports Congress, Amir supports Aam Aadmi Party and Salman supports yes Narendra Modi. it does not make them or me any lesser Indian.
There is an accepted Psychiatric condition which results in the slave learning to love the enslaver and that is the condition of watered down version of muslims in India. That bitch ghandhi was the architect of Bangladesh with her conspirator the traitor mujib. They created the murderous mukti bhini and the rest is history. It was not Jinah Sahib that was the architect of India’s division, it was that bastered Nehru. Hindus have done a wonderful job of writing revisionist history for the consumption of the few so-called educated muslim fools of bharat. Khair, I thank Allah (SWT) for gift of Pakistan and the Quaid. Believe it or many hindu books now claim that the Taj Mahal was built by a hindu king! Now getting to what the population of muslims would be in un-divided India, you are delusonal. Had Pakistan not been created, today hindus would have wiped them out and a tiny minority would have been left. They have always wanted to exact revenge for the 1000 years of muslim rule.
Your claim that India has more muslims than Pakistan is non-sensical. What do you base it on? In any case most are like Abdul Kalam, should be called Abdul Hindu, who claims to do puja and prayer. What an imbecile. Your falsehoods and half-truths are typical of a brain washed Indian so-called muslim, where muslim mullas have decreed not to sacrifice during Eid-ul-adha so as not to hurt hindoo sensitivities.
Now let’s get to my foul language claim, there was none but there is some now for your benefit.
Zak, you are delusioned about Indian Muslims. We also have talibani breeds here and we have seen what taliban did in afghanistan and pakistan. we dont want them. Please read my questions on Jinnah in my comments above. There are 20 crores muslims in india, isn’t it more than the population of Pakistan? If 85 crores hindus could not wipe off 20 crore muslims how do you suppose they could wipe out 60 crore muslims? If you can thank Allah (SWT) for Pakistan, I think I must also thank Allah (SWT) for making me an Indian. And breaking a coconut to inaugurate anything does not make a muslim a kafir. For your information, most hindus are non-vegetarians and they long to get invited to a muslim house on eids for biryani, muttons and seviyan and we do invite them. Hindus join us for Iftaar and also keep token fast for a day or two during ramdzan. Insha Allah you could come to India and lived with us for a few days.
sir if indian society is so tolerent then why AAP office was attacked after their statement on kashmir refrendum?
Brother, thats a very innocent and good question. I have no answer for people resorting to violence but as India is going to have elections soon, politicians are trying to exploit every opportunity to secure their vote banks. Kashmir is a sensitive issue and any comments that are against the official Indian stand is not welcomed by most. How would people in Pakistan react if someone made a comment on Kashmir thats against the official Pakistani stand?
AAP’s sudden rise has irritated both congress and BJP and its speculated that anti congress vote that was going to Modi will now go to AAP thereby reducing Modi’s chances of being a PM.
OK, so what about muzaffarnagar where people had to live in open fields and about 40 children died because of harsh weather,one of your minister said nobody dies of cold weather? and also a few days back one of your muslim representitives (i don’t remember his name) said on TV “aap pakisani hum sy humdardi na ki karain,aap ki humdardi hum bhaarti musalmaanon ko boht mehngi parti hai” can you tell me what does he want to say by passing such a statement?
First of all whosoever said that “hame aapki hamdardi ki zaroorat nahi hai” i agree with him. “wo bhari parti hai” that i disagree. We have our own government and system for justice. Muzaffarnagar riots were orchestrated by the leaders of BJP and also the muslim leaders to keep the voters divided on communal lines. A girl of a community was teased by another community and her brothers killed the teasers. Then the brothers were killed by the relatives of the teasers and violence erupted but before that tension was building up and the government of UP just sat on it and let it flare up. UP govt. has full support of the muslims but some muslims were thinking about supporting the congress against the BJP in the coming elections and thats the reason muslim leaders of UP let the violence happen.
The riot broke out between poor muslims and affluent hindu Jats and thats why poor muslims ran away and took shelter in govt. camps. To further the communal politics the UP govt gave relief contracts to muslim religious bodies and muslim NGOs who siphoned the money. Now if the muslim’s government and religious bodies stoop to this level, its deplorable.
Later politicians from all the parties began playing politics and did not let them return to their homes even after normalcy returned. The poor people kept living in tents in sub zero temperature and kids died due to cold related ailments. Even Lashkar-e-Tayyaba which Pakistan supports tried to contact youth from such camps to recruit them for terrorism but the muslim youths reported it to police. So everyone has tried to exploit muslim riot victims including all political parties and even Pakistan thru LeT. thats why somebody must have asked Pakistan to keep off and not offer any hamdardi.
Very well said Mustafa Bhai. I am not very good with urdu but still i read the article. There has been too many repetition of “Bada Mulk, Bada Mulk”, is it because of some inferiority complex? Gade murde ukhadne me kya point hai?
In fact, I too did not notice that so many top positions in India are held by persons of minority communities. In fact, who cares. Ordinary Indians are fed up with religious leaders and mixing of religion with politics.
Another cow cola aficionado! The writer has done an excellent job in exposing hindoo propaganda and subterfuge. Hindoo obsession with all things Pakistani are at a frenzy level. just watch your TV garbage. We Pakistanis for the most part don’t give a rat’s ass about banialand.
The way you wrote shows how much Muslims in bunderstan(baharat) are under pressure to defend its treatment of minorities. I doubt it that you are a Muslim at all. In case I am wrong but the RAW has always used agents to malign Pakistan by using names as close as to the Muslim names or resembling them.
As for as some Muslims were appointed for top jobs doesn’t prove there is no ill treatment of minorities at all. It is a fact known all over the world how a Dalit,Christian and Muslims are treated in bunderstan. There thousands of examples of killing by hindu mobs at a whim of bad news spread by RSS. So don’t give us a lecture on the behaviour of these hindu mobs. They are terrorists trained by RSS to kill non hindus at all cost and clean baharat mata to make it saffron Hindustan.
The problem is that Pakistan thinks Indian muslims are pro-pakistan but the reality is otherwise. I am sure RAW would have better and serious job to do than maligning Pakistan. And why should RAW or IB use pseudo islamic names when they have muslim officers, in fact India’s IB chief is a muslim by name SYED ASIF IBRAHIM. If there was one poster boy it was understood but there are thousands.
This system won’t allow me to comment beyond a certain depth, and I am responding to your earlier reply to myself here instead.
Your loyalty to India trumps even your (alleged) loyalty to Islam. Let’s look at some facts here:
1. You claim to be Muslim, but you would be “happy if Pakistan spends more time talking other things than just India and Islam”. What kind of a Muslim are you that would want Pakistan to talk less about Islam?
2. You claim that “I only listen to my conscinece. I have been brought up in a democratic society etc.” You do know that democracy is a form of “shirk” (associating partners with God) as it assigns a divine right (sovereignty) to people instead of to God, or do you not?
3. You bring up the issue of the Uighur Muslims and China being a strategic partner, but fail to mention that the Uighur separatists are an asset of the Americans, much like the Al-Qaeda bogeyman, and it is not just Pakistan but the entire Muslim world that does not support the separatists.
4. You are commenting on a Pakistani site, and taking issue repeatedly with Jinnah, and indeed blaming him for the division of India. The division was the result of British rule first and foremost, and this fact seems to have escaped you entirely.
So do excuse us if we take your claims of being a Muslim with salt. We know full well about the Indian project of flooding Pakistani sites with paid commentators, so in the absence of any verifiable proof, your claim is just empty rhetoric that does not align with your comments.
Democracy is shirk? then what do you call when you have military dictators? Tawhid? have you been taught this by talibans? China is an athiest nation and athiesm is shirk. If a muslim is not allowed to follow his religion then its his right to revolt against such state. As an Islamic nation and champion of muslims as you claim, Pakistan must denounce China for their stand on Uighur muslims. Muslims in Sri Lanka are converting to Buddhism but you will never raise that issue with them. By having strategic ties with such people Pakistan is committing kufr. I dont need to give anyone any proof of my faith. Its none of anyone elses business. Its my private matter.
My views on Jinnah are still same. Why did he not insist on complete partition between India and Pakistan on religious lines? He left my forefathers in lurch and created a nation only for a few muslims. Jinnah has denied Ghazwa-e-hind and perhaps restricted it to Pakistan. If he had not gone for partition, Islam would have spread in the entire hind by its virtues and akhlaq. But he stopped that in India by creating Pakistan. He has harmed Islam more than anyone else in this sub continent. Touch your deeper conscience you will realize.
Thank you all for bearing with me. Now i will not reply or comment under this article. Khuda Hafiz
Good about time you shutup with your nonsense!
Thats how you respond to someone who says Khuda Hafiz.
You guys could not defend a word what Mustafa Bhai has said above. You only tried to hit below the belt and when he did not find you guys his level and withdrew, you come after a week to bark yourself victorious.
When half of your brain is dead due to hindoo arse licking and imbibing in cow cola, it’s a waste of time to have a discourse. I have been to the shithole bharat and seen with my own eyes the disgusting attitude of hindoos and the mutant islam practiced by muslims there. It was enough to see the decree of the Imam imploring muslims to discontinue a pillar of Islam and that was the sacrifice during Eid-ul-Adha. Your girls are being married to animists and pagans, the same ones that Islam destroyed in mecca to bring enlightenment to humanity. Your self-hating apologetic muslims are now saying that Islam and hindooism believe in the same God! The brain washing and dilution of muslims and our deen is at a fever pitch.
Monsters like Modi are committed to wiping out Muslims but many so-called muslims actually support him. It was mentioned that there are 20 crore muslims in India, how many have stood up against muslim Kashmiri state sponsored genocide by the coward hindoo army? Whole roads are paved over with mass graves of Muslims in Kashmir. So-called muslims like you and this fool, hate calling him Mustafa, are warned about in hadith and the Holy Quran. Khair, Allah ta’alla knows all and will deal with takfiris and munafiqs when the time is right. If you are truly a Muslim go read the Holy Quran’s warnings about considering any non- muslim, especially a hindoo pagans, as your friend.
Your language reflects your tehzeeb and upbringing and goes more against your mother and father that you, so i will ignore that. Secondly, we dont need a certificate from anyone for following our religions.
Its true that majority of muslims dont like Modi for Gujarat riots that killed 2500 people mostly muslims. But do you know how many muslims have been killed in Pakistan by Taliban???? 50,000. yes from 2003 to 2013 more than 50000 muslims have been killed that includes 18500 innocent civilians, 5500 security personnel and 26000 terrorists… all muslims. please check the following portal – http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/countries/pakistan/database/casualties.htm
Indians dont consider fellow citizens of another religions as their friends but as their brothers. I dont have to learn Islam from you. The very term stands for peace and brotherhood and you expect a muslim to against his own nation. Do they teach you this in Pakistan??? No wonder, you are killing each other. Indian muslims stand by all peace loving kashmiris and not the militants who are motivated by Pakistan to indulge in violence. Indian muslims are proud of their muslim majority state of Kashmir.
Pakistan is the earth of terrorism. Around 66 terrorist camps. I am a baloch but I wish sooner or later we get our full independent from this state created in the name of Islam.
Ya Allah support baloch nation. Aameen
Akram you are terrorist from baloch .We loose land of Bangladesh but don’t talk about seperate baloch.We will remove all terrorist balochees from this earth.