ISLAMABAD: Director General of the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor on Wednesday said Pakistan has the capability to respond to Indian aggression but does not want war.
The Pakistan military spokesperson said, “Since today morning activity has been ongoing at LoC. This morning PAF engaged six targets across LoC from within Pakistani airspace.”
Stating that the Pakistan armed forces and PAF had no choice but to respond, DG ISPR said the question was “how to respond” whether in “a similar manner as India or as a responsible country”.
“Pakistan’s armed forces have capability, will, resolve and nation’s support. But because we are a responsible state and want peace, we decided first of all that we won’t take any military targets.”
“Secondly we decided that there be no loss of life or collateral damage in our engaging of targets,” he added. “Our planes locked targets, then in open air we carried out strikes,” he continued.
“We locked all targets with accuracy, and when we had option to fire, we acted responsibly from a safe distance. We have capability to do anything, but we don’t want escalation. We don’t want to go towards war,” he asserted.
“After PAF decided on targets, two Indian jets entered Pakistani airspace. PAF was ready, faced them. The two planes were shot down. One fell in our space, another on their side. Two pilots were arrested. One of the pilots was injured and has been taken to CMH. He will be given proper care. Another is in our custody,” he added.
Refuting Indian media reports that a Pakistani F-16 jet was shot down, DG ISPR said, “Pakistan did not use F-16 in any activity today.”
The Pakistan military spokesperson stressed, “The state, government, armed forces and people of Pakistan have always conveyed a message of peace to India. The road to peace goes through dialogue. Both countries have the capability and capacity but war is the failure of policy which India needs to understand. We do not want to escalate and follow a path which leads to peace. The people of both countries and region at large have a right to live and live in peace. War is not the solution to problems. India should think with a cool head on this offer from Pakistan. “
We don’t want to indicate any victory. There are no victors in war. I request media to report objectively, responsibly, to go towards peace. Our message is for peace, he further said. “Starting a war is easy, but where it ends, nobody knows.”
In response to a question, Major General Ghafoor said, “Pakistan not pushing for war. We engaged our targets in open air, we deliberately avoided escalation. We could easily have taken the original targets, but we did not do that.”
Regarding the airspace being closed, the DG ISPR said, “It has been closed due to environment.”
“Pakistan’s response is not a retaliation per se, but a demonstration of our capability, responsibility and will. It is now upto India whether they go towards peace, which is a requirement of the region. But if forced, we will respond.”
Major General Ghafoor’s press conference comes after Pakistan Air Force (PAF) shot down two Indian aircraft inside Pakistani airspace.
In a tweet moments earlier, the Pakistan military spokesperson said Indian Air Force (IAF) crossed the Line of Control (LoC) and two of their aircraft were shot down by PAF inside Pakistani airspace.

“One of the aircraft fell inside AJK while other fell inside IoK. One Indian pilot arrested by troops on ground while two in the area,” the DG ISPR stated.
Major General Ghafoor on Tuesday warned India that it was time to “wait for our surprise” after Indian military aircraft intruded Pakistani airspace. “I said three things: You will never be able to surprise us. We have not been surprised. We were ready, we responded, we denied. I said we will retain the escalation ladder. We have that initiative in our hand,” he said while addressing a news conference.
“I said that we will surprise you. Wait for that surprise. I said that our response will be different. See it for yourself. The response will come, and response will come differently,” the DG ISPR warned the Indian army.
Indian military aircraft violated the LoC as they “intruded” from the Muzaffarabad sector and were forced to return owing to the timely response of the Pakistan Air Force, Major General Ghafoor said early Tuesday.
“Indian aircraft intrusion across LoC in Muzafarabad Sector within AJK was 3-4 miles. Under forced hasty withdrawal aircraft released payload which had free fall in open area. No infrastructure got hit, no casualties. Technical details and other important information to follow,” Major General Ghafoor wrote on Twitter.
He also tweeted images of the “payload of hastily escaping Indian aircraft” which “fell in [the] open”.
The incursion into the Pakistani air space follows a series of threats by Indian political and military leadership following the attack on an Indian Army convoy at Pulwama by a local youth, in reaction to the oppression unleashed by the occupational forces.
Unlike the Indian fictitious strike – Pakistani strike back has evidence, video footage of pay loads and the downed Indian planes.
Pakistan please dont return their pilots , slap them up good.
Pakistan is the most battle hardened military in the region and among the world. Unlike the Indians our brave wear their uniform for martyrdom and we live by and die by the shahadah Lailaha IlAllah Muhammadur Rasool Allah.
The Daal Khors will be on the back foot, that maraasi, kanjar Modi will be incensed and the Hindu terrorists in power and in RSS will be seeking to respond.
This time be it ground or aerial please my beloved AfWaj do not hold back – SMASH INDIA.
These patels need a good slap, the only way they know and the only way they are put in their places. They are the sons of back stabbing cowards like Siva a 5ft pathetic excuse of a man. His pathetic statue adorns Mumbai as a warning to Muslims coming from the Arabian gulf. In reality he was a jackal a coward who martyred a real lion. We are sons of Afzal Khan and we are always for reconciliation but on our terms.
Greasy patels, katri’s need to know their real history and know we are a hot blooded, ferocious people when it comes to war and have the skills and scars to show you.
We are a nation of Shaheeds and martyrdom for us is a prize.
My salute and my heart filled admiration to PAF one of the greatest air forces in the world and to Pakistan Afwaj for making us feel proud again.
We as a nation can never be subdued in a face to face confrontation from a nation of patels and katri maraasi’s. They can never fight like men and their history us testimony to this but fight like jackals in the dead of the night or from the behind and fund terrorism.
We are Pakistan and we will take you head on.
Alhamdulillah our faith commands us to seek peace but fight relentless until victory or martyrdom.
Seriously India please be responsible and stop lying. Indian media needs to be controlled by the Indian government because it is shameful at the lengths it goes to lie and spin in a very sensitive time.
Pertinent points
1. In Balakot no such building exists therefore nothing was destroyed.
2. India claims 22 minutes in Pak airspace any same man knows that is not possible considering PAF are one of the best in the world with real combat experience unlike India.
3. You claim 350 people died, where are the visuals and bodies. More importantly where are the funerals. Pakistan has invited the world including Indian media and military come to the site and substantiate ludicrous claims.
In response today 27th February 2019:
1. Pakistan while in Pakistan air space has shot missiles in a region where there were no civilian or military targets.
2. IAF felt emboldened from the lies from yesterday pursues PAF into Pakistan AirSpace and 2 were shot down.
3. Pakistan captured two IAF servicemen / pilots while another plane went down in Occupied Kashmir.
4. A second plane went down in Occupied Kashmir.
5. PAF did not deploy F16 and no PAF jet went down and again India fails to show real credible evidence.
If you want war then remember martyrdom is better for us and your economic boom will be over much to US and Europe’s interest.
We are not afraid but sense needs to prevail.
BJP, RSS and Modi are shameful willing to lose innocent Indian lives to win the impending elections.
We hope sense prevails but DO NOT UNDER ESTIMATE our desire for peace as a sign of weakness.